Experimental / Noise Rock / Dub

Follow Kratz to join the conversation. When you follow Kratz, you’ll get access to exclusive messages from the artist and comments from fans. You’ll also be the first to know when they release new music and merch.
Die traurige Texterin dieser finsteren Zeilen ist zu broke, um für exklusiven Content zu bezahlen. Die tags der letzten Veröffentlichungen (#experimental #noise #rock #dub #berlin) lassen aber mehr als erahnen, dass ihr sie dort treffen werdet. Falls euch das was bedeutet. Falls nicht, geht trotzdem hin. Wird übertrieben steil.
Follow Kratz to join the conversation. When you follow Kratz, you’ll get access to exclusive messages from the artist and comments from fans. You’ll also be the first to know when they release new music and merch.
The sad lyricist of these sinister lines is too broke to pay for exclusive content. But the tags of the latest releases (#experimental #noise #rock #dub #berlin) more than hint that you will meet her there. If that means anything to you. If not, go anyway. It’s going to be over the top.